Customer Testimonials

Discover what our happy clients have to say about our exceptional auction services! We’ve gathered a collection of enthusiastic customer testimonials that offer firsthand insights into our professionalism, expertise, and unwavering commitment to excellence. From art enthusiasts, collectors, buyers and sellers, each testimonial proves why Lane Ryan Auctions is the go-to choice for outstanding auction experiences. Don’t just take our word for it, read on to see why our clients rave about us!

Amazed and Impressed

“I was amazed and impressed by my positive experience with Lane Ryan Auctions! As executor, I felt overwhelmed with cleaning out and selling my childhood home. Thankfully, Lane Ryan Auctions handled it all, and I am grateful for their team. They went through every single item and determined what to donate and what to sell. Everything was orchestrated and organized perfectly from the beginning to the end. The entire Lane Ryan Auctions team is honest and transparent. I’ve told many people about my excellent experience with them.”
Bill Sweney – Hershey

Very High Level of Service

“Lane Ryan Auctions has exceptional integrity and provides a very high level of service. Ryan, the owner, and his team handle everything with care and diligence. They are easy to communicate with, trustworthy, and professional. They helped make handling my father’s estate an easy and manageable experience. I have recommended Lane Ryan Auctions and will continue to recommend them.”
Sue – Seller

Online Auction Proved Very Successful

“The Ned Smith Center for Nature and Art began working with Lane Ryan Auctions for its annual wildlife art auction event several years ago. In 2020 we couldn’t hold our traditional in-person auction event due to COVID. Lane Ryan Auctions encouraged us to shift the event to an online auction and assured us that we would be just as successful. They were right! Transitioning our in-person art auction to an online auction proved very successful. It helped us raise more funds and increase awareness for the Ned Smith Center for Nature and Art. We are grateful for their valuable insight and expertise in helping us set up and run an online auction successfully so that we can raise more funds for our mission.”
Carl Graybill

Honesty, Integrity, and Success

“Honesty, Integrity, and Success are Lane Ryan Auctions’ core values, and that’s exactly what they displayed when they helped us sell our 17-acre estate and my husband’s business assets. The Lane Ryan Auctions team was exceptional. They listened to our needs and followed through on any special requests. I was amazed at their efficiency and ability to organize all the business assets. I have and will continue to recommend Lane Ryan Auctions because they are professional, respectful, caring, kind, and genuine people. They will do their best to ensure the auction is profitable for their clients.”
Terry Barnhart

Went Above and Beyond

“Lane Ryan Auctions went above and beyond in selling our property and its contents. Utilizing their online auction expertise was imperative to get better coverage and interest in the sale. Everything went exactly as they told us it would go, from the timing of the listing to the organizing and selling of the contents and the final settlement. We were more than satisfied with the proceeds from the sale. They are a professional and honest business, and we were pleased to work with them.”
Carl & Rosalie Hutchison

They Took Care of Everything

“We chose to work with Lane Ryan Auctions to sell our mother’s home, and it was the best decision we made. They took care of everything! They suggested improvements to benefit the home’s sale and connected us with vendors to complete the work. I was grateful for the recommendations since I did not live locally.

The entire Lane Ryan Auctions team was focused on our needs. Not only did they do what was expected, but they also went above and beyond and had exceptional follow-through. We were extremely pleased when the online auction resulted in the higher end of the estimate. I highly recommend working with Lane Ryan Auctions. They made a difficult process an enjoyable experience!”
Mike Wagner

Ryan, the owner, is truly an expert in his field

“As an Attorney practicing bankruptcy law and a Chapter 12 and a Chapter 7 bankruptcy Trustee. Lane Ryan Auctions has assisted me with liquidations in an efficient and orderly manner. Everyone on the team is professional and knowledgeable. Ryan, the owner, is truly an expert in his field. He knows the market, the best audiences to target, and the appropriate channels to reach those pending audiences to maximize sales. I highly recommend Lane Ryan Auctions and believe that they maximize the proceeds of items for sale.”
Kara K. Gendron, Esquire
Mott & Gendron Law
Chapter 7 and Chapter 12 Trustee

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We look forward to helping you. Feel free to call Ryan directly (717-489-3030) or use the form below to schedule a conversation. We understand your time is valuable.

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